Benefits And Dangers Of Consuming Chocolate

Benefits And Dangers Of Consuming Chocolate-hay guys, this time I want to share about what the benefits and benefits if we consume chocolate. CHOCOLATE is very tempting to eat besides the delicious taste of chocolate has benefits for our health. Many people connect between eating chocolate with tooth decay and obesity. Actually that causes obesity and tooth decay is not due to chocolate, but because of the sugar content that is in the chocolate. Chocolate contains alkaloids such as theobromine, phenethylamine, and anandamide, which have physiological effects on the body. These contents are often associated with serotonin levels in the brain. According to scientists, chocolate is eaten in normal amounts regularly can lower blood pressure. Black chocolate lately get a lot of promotions because it benefits health when consumed in moderation, including anti-oxidants that can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body.
Chocolate History:

Chocolate is produced from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) which is predicted to grow first in the northern Amazon region to Central America. Probably to Chiapas, the southernmost part of Mexico. The Olmecs made use of the trees and, perhaps also, made "chocolate" along the Gulf coast in southern Mexico. The earliest documentation on chocolate was found in its use at a chocolate-processing site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras around 1100 -1400 BC. The residue obtained from these processing tanks indicates that initially the use of cocoa is not intended to make drinks alone, but the white selectivity of cocoa beans is more likely to be used as a source of sugar for alcoholic beverages. The brown residue found in the pottery used by the ancient Mayans in Río Azul, Northern Guatemala, shows that the Mayameminum tribe was chocolate in about 400 BC. The first civilization that inhabited the Meso-American region knew the "kakawa" tree whose fruit was consumed as an xocolātl drink which meant bitter beverage. According to them, these drinks need to be consumed every day, for whatever reason. However, it seems that chocolate is also a symbol of prosperity. How to present it was not arbitrary. By holding this liquid container at chest level and pouring it into another container on the ground, an expert presenter can make a thick foam, the part that makes the drink so valuable. This foam is actually produced by cocoa butter (cocoa butter) but sometimes added additional foam. Meso-Americans seem to have an important habit of drinking and eating porridge containing chocolate. The seeds of the cocoa tree itself are very bitter and must be fermented so that it can be tasted. After baked and powdered the result is chocolate or cocoa. It is estimated that Mayan chocolate drinking habits began around 450 BC - 500 BC. That said, consumption of chocolate is considered a symbol of important status at that time. Maya tribe consume chocolate in the form of a bubbly liquid sprinkled with red pepper, vanilla, or other spices. Xocoatl drinks are also believed to be a tranquilizer, a belief that may be caused by theobromin content in it. When classical Maya civilization collapsed (around 900) and was replaced by the Toltecs, cocoa beans became Meso-American main commodities. By the time the Aztec Empire came to power (until about 1500 BC) the area covering Mexico City is now known as the Meso-American region most rich in cocoa beans. For the Aztec cocoa beans are "the food of the gods" (theobroma, from Greek). Usually cocoa beans are used in religious ceremonies and as gifts. Chocolate also became a luxury in the time of Colombian-Meso America, in their culture of the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec cocoa beans (cacao bean) is often used as a currency. For example the Aztec Indians use a calculation system where one turkey chicken costs one hundred cocoa beans and one avocado for three cocoa beans. While in 1544 AD, Maya Kekchi delegates from Guatemala who visited the Spanish court brought gifts, among them chocolate drinks. At the beginning of the 17th century, chocolate became a popular refreshing drink in the Spanish palace. Throughout the century, chocolate spread among the European elite, then through a democratic process the price became quite cheap, and by the end of the century it became a drink enjoyed by the merchants. Approximately 100 years after his arrival in Europe, so famous chocolate in London, until a "brown house" was built to store chocolate supplies, starting in coffee houses. The first brown house opened in 1657. In 1689 a doctor and a collector named Hans Sloane, developed a type of chocolate milk drink in Jamaica and originally drunk by apothekari tribe, but the drink was later sold by the Cadbury brothers. All European chocolate was originally consumed as a drink. New in 1847 found solid chocolate. Europeans throw away almost all the spices added by Meso-Americans, but often retain vanilla. Also replace many spices to suit their own tastes ranging from special recipes that require ambergris, waxy purplish dyes extracted from the whale's intestines, to more common ingredients such as cinnamon or cloves. However, the most frequently added is sugar. In contrast, the Meso-American chocolate does not seem to be sweet.
European chocolate was originally mixed in the same way that the Mayan and Aztecs used. Even today, the ancient Meso-American way is still preserved, but inside industrial machinery. Cocoa's seed still a little fermentated, dried, roasted, and rolled. However, a series of more complicated techniques was played. Chocolate powder is emulsified with potassium or sodium carbonation to be more easily mixed with water (dutched, emulsification methods found by the Dutch), the fat is reduced by removing much cocoa fat (defatted), ground as a liquid in a conched,
or mixed with milk to become milk chocolate.

Here are some of the benefits of Chocolate:

1. Prevent heart disease

A chocolate bar can help you to prevent heart disease because it contains some chemicals that make your cardiovascular system run smoothly. Especially dark chocolate can reduce the risk of heart attack with a percentage of nearly 50% and coronary disease by 10%. So it's not a problem consuming a bar or a piece of chocolate everyday!

2. Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol

Chocolate is a substance that contains compounds that function to calm the nerves are tense. By eating chocolate then one's feelings will become more relaxed, therefore by eating chocolate can lower blood pressure

Dark chocolate has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. And eating dark chocolate on a regular basis has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol by as much as 10 percent.

3. Contains High Antioxidants

based on the results of research turned out to contain chocolate flavanol, a type of flavanoid found in chocolate. Flavanoids are compounds that form naturally in plant foods and act as antioxidants and help counteract free radicals in the body.

4. Contains Anti-Depression

The results also prove that Chocolate contains serotonin, a natural anti-depressant. By eating Chocolate can also stimulate the body to produce endorphin enzymes, which play a role to create feelings of happiness and happiness. A study found that melting chocolate in the mouth produces a feeling of happiness longer. So when you feel in a state of stress or stress a time to enjoy chocolate.

5. Prevent Tooth Decay

Many people assume that with chocolate mugakan it can cause damage to the teeth. Actually that makes damage to the teeth instead of chocolate but the sugar contained in chocolate snacks. So no matter you eat chocolate as long as the discipline brush your teeth. The results have found that in chocolate there is theobromine which can prevent tooth decay by removing streptococcus mutans, the bacteria that contribute to tooth decay in the oral cavity. So who says chocolate is dangerous? precisely the benefits of chocolate for dental health is good yes.

6. Make Longevity

The results of a study conducted in the Netherlands that followed 200 men over 20 years, found that men who consumed large amounts of chocolate, be it dark chocolate and milk chocolate, he was older and has lower levels of the climber. Based on these studies note that chocolate contains substances that can slow aging. Consumption of chocolate on a regular basis can reduce wrinkles and protect the skin from sunburn.

7. Low fat content

Cocoa powder is the main ingredient in low fat chocolate. So you do not have to worry in consuming chocolate in weight problems. However this can change when you consume a large amount.

8. Improve blood circulation

Flavonoids, as mentioned earlier, are present in chocolate and they also help in improving blood circulation for 2-3 hours after you consume them. By dilating blood vessels in the brain, flavonoids increase blood flow.

9. Avoid chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a threat to one's health and happiness. This disease causes headache, body pain, heart and breathing problems. But eating about 50 grams of chocolate everyday helps to avoid chronic fatigue syndrome. If someone has already suffered from this syndrome, chocolate helps in fighting it as well.

10. Chocolate improves eye health.

By eating chocolate then we can get the benefits of increased health of our eyes. This is because the blood flow to the retina increases well and can help improve eyesight and strength of our eyes.

11. Chocolate reduces cancer risk.

Cocoa, or chocolate, contains antioxidants that stop the growth of cancer, by causing certain proteins in the body to deactivate the parts that produce tumor cells. Good enough is not it?

12. Chocolate boosts natural insulin production.

By eating chocolate, then we just as much to increase the production of insulin naturally. It also helps lower your risk of developing diabetes. By eating chocolate we also mebdapatkan additional energy to beraktifitas back.

13. Chocolate can smooth the skin.

Flavanols found in chocolate can protect us from UV rays, keep our skin moist and keep it shining. Chocolate also helps maintain skin elasticity and rejuvenate our skin cells. So the black spots, rough skin will be far from the skin we have.

14. Chocolate helps us to lose weight.

Chocolate not only gives a happy effect but also can help in the diet program you want to do. Fiber-rich chocolates like bread, wheat and fruit can help you to diet.

15. Chocolate is very good for Brain Health

You may be surprised if chocolate can also make smart you know. Chocolate that can make our nerves relax can help the brain working system that works to control all organs. Includes a sense of fun that will make you enjoy for the activity.

And the following benefits of chocolate for beauty body care:

1. Moisturizes the skin

Iron, calcium, and vitamins A, B1, C, D, and E are some of the nutrients that can be found in dark chocolate. Diligent use of black chocolate mask was able to make the skin more moist because dead skin cells quickly lifted.

2. UV rays of the sun

The content of flavonoids in dark chocolate has proved effective to relieve sunburn. Besides used as a mask, black chocolate also provides similar properties when enjoyed.

3. Wrinkles and fine lines

The pleasure that is felt when eating dark chocolate certainly lowers one's stress. Hormone cortisol causes stress also decreased, so that less collagen is damaged and skin beauty is maintained. The skin will also avoid wrinkles and fine lines.

4. Beautiful hair

In addition to the skin, dark chocolate provides a beautiful benefit to the hair. Use black chocolate as a mask to get smooth, soft, and shiny hair.

5. Enrich the hair

The content of copper, zinc, and iron are some minerals in dark chocolate that also stimulate hair growth. So eating dark chocolate every day will indirectly launch blood circulation to the scalp.

These are some types of chocolate and its benefits:

1. Couverture

Couverture is the best kind of chocolate. This chocolate is pure with a high percentage of cocoa fat, resulting in a very good flavor. Typically used for the manufacture of chocolate products handmade. Before use, this type of chocolate through the process of temper (melted) first.
2. Chocolate bargain

This type of chocolate is good for cakes, cakes and other snacks. The percentage of cocoa mass varies between 30-70 percent. The higher the cocoa mass concentration, the better the flavor.
3. Chocolate milk

This type of chocolate is a mixture of sugar, cocoa, liquid chocolate, milk, and vanilla. This kind of chocolate is often consumed. Its cocoa mass is quite low, only 20 percent and taste sweeter than fresh chocolate. Chocolate is definitely a favorite of children because it can be directly eaten with a sweet taste. The milk content makes the taste softer. If you want to make a cake, this type of chocolate is not a good choice. In addition to relatively little chocolate content, chocolate is easily burnt when melted.
4. White chocolate

Commonly white chocolate contains no high cocoa mass. Beside being consumed directly, White chocolate is oftenly used for decoration. Chocolate is made from brown fat, sugar, and vanilla that does not contain solid chocolate. Because it is easy to burn, it's good to be cooked carefully.
5. Cocoa

This chocolate product is made from cocoa mass after the cocoa fat is separated. This product is very easy to be processed and economical. Can be found in the stalls around your residence.
6. Liquid chocolate

Liquid chocolate is a beverage product that contains cocoa mass and contains high levels of sugar. Sugar levels, touted as the culprit increased weight
 But guys do you know apart from the benefits of chocolate above, it turns out chocolate also keep some effects that are not good for the body. "According to research from the Food For The Brain foundation headed by a group of doctors, researchers, nutritionists, and psychologists point to a link between food and mental health," the Daily Mail reported on Thursday, August 22, 2013. , blood sugar levels can affect a person's behavior.Deborah Colson, a nutrition therapist, said, "Poor blood sugar balance is often the single biggest factor in people suffering from depression, anxiety, and emotionality." The faster the sugar enters the body, insulin will increase, this will make the sugar is stored as fat instead of burning into energy From here, the blood sugar levels will increase.Higher the blood sugar level then the mental health of a person getting worse.The body will feel hungry, angry, depressed, and can not think clearly.Indeed, many studies that connect, chocolate can subside m stress. However, it is good to pay attention to the levels of sugar in it. Instead of relieving stress, chocolate (rich in sugar) can actually aggravate it.
 Research and research have proven that chocolate has health benefits. Bio-active substances in the form of anti-oxidants are believed to be beneficial from the medical side, and psychologically consume any chocolate can cause a sense of comfort. Even so do not get fooled by the efficacy of this delicious sweet food. It's worth considering again or even more wisely choose chocolate products, because it is not impossible you will actually get the loss rather than the benefits expected from this food. Chocolate as a snack comes after a leading health journal in its latest edition states that the efficacy of chocolate is now widely "abused". For that need to be considered again. In the Lancet journal reporting that many chocolate manufacturers are now eliminating the flavanols because of its bitter taste. As a result, many chocolate products on the market today are only dominated by fat and sugar alone. Though these two substances is actually an enemy for the heart and blood vessels. Many research states that eating chocolate can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure and eliminate fatigue. But according to an article written in the Lancet journal, chocolate can be deceptive. When the chocolate company makes candy, a solid natural chocolate ingredient that makes the color darker and flavanols that taste bitter, it is eliminated. Therefore, any black-looking chocolate may not contain flavanols. Consumers are also always blinded with flavanols in chocolate because producers rarely provide information about this information in their products, "writes Lancet. The journal also emphasizes that although flavanols are contained in a chocolate product, chocolate lovers must remain alert to substances or other ingredients. "Satan in dark chocolate is fat, sugar and also the calories contained in it. To get the benefits for health, for those who like to eat dark chocolate in moderation should balance it by reducing the intake of other foods. It's a job that is not easy even for a diligent in keeping the intake of calories though, "said Lancet. In allergy sufferers and brown food intolerance is the main enemy. Patients with food allergies due to chocolate usually with symptoms often abdominal pain, sensitive skin, acne, head sakilt, migraine, asthma, prolonged cough, difficult CHAPTER (constipation), and concentration disorders should be careful in consuming chocolate. Similarly in behavioral disorders such as Autism and ADHD and learning disorders should chocolate should be a major concern to avoid. It may be that in dark chocolate some allergy sufferers or intolerance may accept, but other forms of chocolate often cause prolonged complaints. this happens because in the processing of chocolate is also accompanied by various substances and other additives to make the bitter taste. Sometimes it is these additives that cause allergic reactions or intolerance in allergy sufferers.

But the study, conducted in Boston and published in the American Heart Association journal, examines 32,000 Swedish female respondents aged between 48 and 83 for nine years. Diet experts say eating too often chocolate even affect damaging and unhealthy for the body. The study also noted that one or two servings of chocolate, about 19 to 30 grams, per week can reduce the risk of heart failure by 30 percent. That number dropped to 26 percent when a person only ate chocolate one to three times each month. However, those who eat chocolate every day are not even seen to have a reduced risk of heart problems altogether. The researchers concluded that the protective effect on chocolate would be reduced when eating less than or more of the optimal size, ie one or two serving meals a week.

Why are too many chocolates dangerous? Because chocolate contains high levels of sugar and fat that can trigger a rise in weight of a person, according to the researchers. However, according to previous studies, chocolate also contains a concentration of high levels of flavonoid compounds that can reduce blood pressure and protect against heart attacks, The researchers say this is the first time the long-term effects of heart failure are revealed in the study. "You can not ignore that chocolate is a high-calorie food and consuming habits in large quantities can increase the risk of weight gain," said study leader and director of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit in Boston, Murray Mittleman.

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