repay the ugliness with kindness

"Allah's mercy is very close to those who do good." (Al-A'raf: 56)PATIENT AND ALWAYS MAKE A GOODIslam is a religion of peace and beauty. Islam teaches its people to continue to do good to their fellow human beings regardless of origin, social status, religion, sex, etc. In one verse of the Qur'an,"And do good to the fathers, the close relatives, the orphans, the poor, the near neighbors and the distant neighbors, peers, ibn sabil (the travelers) and your servant (servants)." -Nisa [4]: ​​36)This verse teaches to always do good to anyone regardless of the factors from which the person originated, how rich the person is, what the sex of the person is, etc. It is commonplace that sometimes in life we ​​encounter extraordinary challenges that are undesirable, as many people hate for their sincere intentions and good deeds that we do or may be "stabbed" from behind by our close friends and relatives. Ironic is not it?Allah سبحانه وتعالى has taught in the Qur'an,"Repay their bad deeds with the better. We know more about what they attribute. "(Al-Mu'minun [23]: 96)Just face all the challenges and problems we face in life with gratitude. Because that's how life goes. Sometimes it is above and at other times under. Sometimes, the good deeds we do are even rewarded with evil by others. Therefore, when we do something, never expect that we will get a warm welcome or a similar reply from the person concerned. Because if that's the case, be prepared for us to feel a deep disappointment.Islam is a religion that upholds justice. Allah سبحانه وتعالى also has other names related to justice such as Al-'Adl (the Just) or Al-Hakim (The Most Judgmental). In the Qur'an itself is also explained that all deeds, good or bad, no matter how small, will certainly receive rewards from the Almighty."Whoever does good weighing dzarrah (atomic seed), undoubtedly he will receive (replies) it. And whoever does the evil weighing dzarrah (atomic seed) too, undoubtedly he will receive (reply) it. "(Al-Zalzalah [99]: 7-8)So, gentlemen, do not worry to always do good. We have to believe that Allah is Just and all our actions will surely have a reply, either in the world or in the hereafter. If we do good, of course also goodness of reply will be given by Allah سبحانه وتعالى."There is no reward for good but good." (Ar-Rahman [55]: 60)THEN FROM IT WILL MAKE ANYONE, even to those who have done evil to us. Why? Because the good is multiplied by His side. This is explained in the Qur'an,"They are rewarded twice for their patience and they reject evil with good and part of what We have provided for them, they spend." (Al-Qashash [28]: 54)Cuba notice also this verse,"Whoever comes to bring good, for him a reward better than his kindness; and whoever comes with evil, is not rewarded with those who have done the evil but are worthy of what they once did. "(Al-Qashash [28]: 84)In the above verse it is clear that all good will receive a better reply and every evil is rewarded according to what is done. Herein lies the goodness and justice of God سبحانه وتعالى. He rewards more to those who do good. But for the perpetrator of the crime shall be recompensed according to his crime. Allah سبحانه وتعالى not oppresses the slightest against those who do evil.

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