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Untuk waktu yang lama, optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO) telah menjadi aspek undervalued dari pemasaran dan periklanan online namun sejak saat ini menjadi vital.

Banyak bisnis sekarang menyertakan strategi pemasaran online ini dengan tujuan menjadi mapan di pasar mereka dan lebih sesuai permintaan di antara target pelanggan mereka.

SEO adalah proses dimana lalu lintas yang dihasilkan ke situs bisnis ditingkatkan dengan meningkatkan visibilitas mereka di hasil mesin pencari Google.

Melalui prosesnya, layanan SEO mencakup pemasangan dan pengoptimalan situs web Anda (onpage) dan menghasilkan tautan balik berkualitas tinggi dari situs web terkait yang terpercaya dan otoritatif (offpage).

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Layanan SEO , Saat Anda menerapkan kampanye berdasarkan pengoptimalan mesin telusur, manfaat pertama yang bisa Anda dapatkan, adalah kenyataan bahwa situs Anda nantinya akan memiliki posisi lebih tinggi dalam hasil mesin telusur dan lebih banyak lalu lintas dari pengunjung yang ditargetkan.

Saat pelanggan menelusuri produk atau layanan Anda secara online, ada kemungkinan besar mereka akan segera menemukan Anda. Pelanggan online cenderung memastikan bahwa situs yang ditemukan di bagian atas hasil pencarian adalah situs yang menawarkan layanan dan produk terbaik. Menjadi fitur di tempat-tempat ini akan lebih mudah bagi Anda untuk menarik perhatian dan perhatian para pelanggan ini. Setelah peningkatan rangking dan kesadaran Anda terjadi peningkatan lalu lintas, diikuti oleh kenaikan penjualan.

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Sebagai ahli SEO kami menerapkan strategi dan metode yang dicoba dan diuji coba untuk meningkatkan peringkat situs Anda, Anda dapat yakin bahwa penjualan Anda juga akan meningkat seiring berjalannya waktu.
Kami akan bekerja bahu membahu dengan Anda dalam mengembangkan strategi dan metode terbaik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, persyaratan dan anggaran Anda.

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Kami adalah salah satu jasa pembuat website jawa timur yang menawarkan solusi perancangan web profesional dengan harga terjangkau. Kini Anda dapat memiliki situs web impian untuk bisnis Anda, lengkap dengan fitur unik seperti responsif seluler, keramahan Penelusuran, dan keamanan SSL yang dikombinasikan dengan paket SEO yang disesuaikan dalam waktu singkat. Anda dapat mengandalkan kami untuk kebutuhan desain situs web Anda dan kami akan memastikan produk akhir mengarah ke tingkat konversi yang tinggi untuk layanan bisnis dan produk Anda. Jadi jika Anda berada di surabaya dan sekitarnya dan di jawa timur pada umumnya jika mencari desain web profesional dan layanan pemasaran digital, maka Anda berada di tempat yang tepat.

Pasar desain web disurabaya sangat kompetitif dan untuk tetap berada di depan pesaing Anda, seseorang harus sangat terampil. Di sinilah nurulhikmahs.com selangkah lebih maju dari perancang web lain di jawa timur. Kami telah mendedikasikan perancang situs web berkualifikasi tinggi,sampai saat ini dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi.Nurulhikmahs.com membuat situs web yang unik dan murah namun menarik yang meningkatkan citra merek Anda dan mematuhi norma perancangan dan pengembangan situs web terbaru.
Kami memberikan apa yang kita komit
Nurulhikmahs.com adalah nama yang mewakili kualitas dan profesionalisme dalam memahami kebutuhan klien sehingga bisa mengantarkan proyek akhir sebelum waktunya. Untuk klien kami di jawa timur, kami menawarkan kontak reguler tentang cara memelihara situs web dan memperbaruinya agar tetap diperbarui. Seiring waktu.
Layanan perancangan situs web murah kami tidak hanya mencakup pembuatan tata letak situs web dan menjalankannya di internet namun kami juga menawarkan banyak layanan lain yang membantu klien kami dalam promosi online maksimum dan generasi terdepan.

Kami tidak hanya membuat situs web, bukan membangun rumah bisnis virtual yang akan membantu bisnis Anda berkembang secara lokal dan global. Desain kami dibuat dengan banyak kerja keras dan kreativitas. Semua desain web kami unik dan menarik. Ini akan meninggalkan kesan abadi pada pengguna dan pelanggan Anda.

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Patient Motivation from the Job of the Prophet Job

The word sahibul tale, until the age of 60 years, the Prophet Job lived overwhelmed by the blessings of God in a happy household with a faithful wife and children who love him. Suddenly he was plagued by disaster; the house was washed away by the flood, the children died at a young age, and he was sick.
After a few months of suffering, his wife said to him, "You are a prophet and your prayer is answered by God, is this your suffering, yet have you begged the Divine to be released from the disaster?"
With a quiet smile, the prophet Ayub replied, "I am ashamed to lift my face to be released from the disaster that I recently held, because I never forget for decades I received His blessings."
We all must feel the joy and sorrow. Though both contain values ​​that lead to goodness. However, no doubt. It is very difficult for us to be grateful when we get pleasure and be patient when we get a trial. Though both are a test for humans.
Ibn al-Jawzi said, "When tiredness passes, happiness will be absorbed, otherwise, when happiness is passed, regret will come."
Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: "A hellish man who, when in the most abundant world of pleasure, was visited by an angel.After being immersed once into the fire of hell, he was asked," O son of Adam, have you seen goodness? Have you ever felt happiness? He replied, "By Allah, no, O my Lord."
"Then, a resident of heaven, who, when in the world of his life the most miserable, was also visited by an angel.After being inserted once into heaven, he was then asked, 'O son of Adam, have you ever seen misery, have you experienced suffering? , 'By Allah, never, I have never experienced misery, nor seen suffering.'
Most of us assume that disaster is a problem and pleasure is not a problem. Though essentially, both have challenges to be answered. When we get a favor, we must be able to answer the challenge. Berskkurkah or kufr?
The story of the Prophet Job above shows how much he was patient with a very tough test. And before, he lived for 60 years in pleasure. This shows that happiness and misery are two things that always go hand in hand. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes we get miserable.
The motivation we can derive from the story of the Prophet Job is that when he was calamitous, he patiently remembered that he had been happy. So he embarrassed to raise his face to be released from the disaster that he had not been long before, because he dozens of know feel the pleasure of God.
Why do we grieve too deep, when our calamity is not as big as the Prophet Job. Keep tapping on the sky door, praying constantly to Him. In order to be miserable, the pain you experience is immediately replaced with happiness. Do not forget to pray also so that when you're happy do not forget to give thanks.

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George bin Todzira, Hidayah Comes While in Battle Field

Indeed hidayah is special. It is expensive and valuable. Status and social status are not a measure of getting it. Wealth is not a means to get it. Sometimes, he comes at an unexpected moment. He comes at a time when the caller may be desperate. He came, sometimes at the time of disaster. And it comes when hostility has reached its peak.
Like the story of George Todzira. Hidayah comes to him just when he is ready for battle.
George bin Todzira was the commander of the Byzantine army. In the War of Yarmuk, he led the forces of Rome, fighting against Muslims led by Khalid ibn al-Walid radhiallahu 'anhu. Before the outbreak of battle, an interesting event occurred. George had a dialogue with Khalid until he embraced Islam and moved into the Muslim army.
Under such conditions, imagine what the Byzantine Roman felt at the time? Of course their fighting morale is shocked and loosened. And of course, George was the first person they wanted to kill.
When the troops were meeting, George called the Sword of Allah, Khalid bin al-Walid. Khalid was out of the army, and Abu Ubaidah replaced his position. Amid thousands of troops, the two warlords stood face to face. Until their neck mounts are interlocked.
George said, "O Khalid, answer my question honestly. Do not lie, because the free man does not deserve to lie. Nor do you deceive me, for a glorious man will not deceive ". George went on, "Did Allah take the sword from heaven to your Prophet, then he gave it to you? Then does not the sword encounter a people, unless he overcame him?
"No," answered Khalid tersely.
"Then why are you called a saifullah (Sword of God)?" Asked George who really wanted an answer.
Khalid replied, "Verily, Allah ﷻ sent His prophets into our midst. He preaches us, but we all run away ignore it. Then some of us there who justify his da'wah and follow it. Others have avoided and denied it. I am among those who stay away from, deny, and fight against it. After that, Allah gave us guidance. We followed his teachings as well. He said to me, 'You are the sword among the swords of God which he has made to the idolaters. He prayed for me with victory. Then melaqobiku with saifullah. From there, I became the most loudly enmity against the idolaters ".
"You have been honest with me", George responded to Khalid's explanation.
Then he again asked Khalid, "O Khalid, tell me, do you cry to me?"
"To the testimony that there is no god to be worshiped unless Allah and Muhammad are His servants and Messengers. And believe that what is in it (revelation) is from Allah's side "Khalid explained the Islamic message to George.
"If people do not accept your appeal?" Asked George.
"Jizyah guarantees them", replied Khliad.
"What if they do not want to hand it over (jizyah)? asked George.
"We fight them," replied Khalid
"How are the people who receive your appeal?" Asked George.
"Our position is equal (equal) in the duties God has commanded us. Neither a noble person nor an ordinary person. Both the beginning (embracing Islam) and the last one ", answered Khalid.
George again asked the question, "Is it the person who today embraces Islam -Gal Khalid-sama's reward and reward?"
"Yes, even more so," replied Khalid.
Marvelously, George asked, "How can he be like you, when you first converted to Islam?"
"We embraced Islam and pledged to our prophet, when we met him. Come to him the tidings of the books, then he shows us signs. People who see what we see and hear what we hear justify it, Islam, and bind it. As for you, you have never encountered what we met. Never heard what we have heard in the form of miracles and hujjah. If you embrace Islam sincerely and truthfully. Sure better than us. "Answer Khalid tried to unravel the confusion of George.
"By God, you're telling the truth, not cheating me, and not pretending to me?" Asked George, trying to get a definite answer.
Khalid said, "By Allah, I have been honest with you. I have nothing to do with you or any of you. Verily, Allah bears witness to what you ask me. "
George said, "You have been honest with me." At that time, George who is still in preparation for war began to melt when he heard explanations and calls Khalid bin al-Walid radhiallahu 'anhu. Her heart trembles and tends to Khalid. Then, in the middle of the battlefield and in a position ready for battle, George uttered a shocking saying, "Teach me about Islam", he pleaded.
Then Khalid took him to his tent. Providing water for him to wash. Then George performed the two rak'ah prayers. George has embraced Islam. Khalid bin al-Walid and the Companions of the Prophet set an example that going to war is not merely to kill people. But the main purpose is to give guidance. This is the difference between the path of the friends and the people involved in the acts of terrorism. Their purpose is to kill, not to give guidance.
Out of the Byzantines with mounting enmity and leading the army to fight against Islam and the Muslims, it was then that Haraya came to him. Therefore, let us not despair. As Khalid was still expecting the head of the army to kill and fight it.
George turned the position. He stood beside Khalid to fight the Byzantine forces. In the war he suffered severe injuries and met his martyrs in the Yarmuk field. After Islam, he performed only one prayer, and prostrated himself in two rak'ahs. Then he died in the field of jihad.
It is true that what Khalid said, could be a new convert to Islam and a bit more charity superior to people born as a Muslim. George only performed one prayer in his life, but he got the glory of jihad in the way of Allah. Pick up death as a martyr, God willing.
- Tarikh al-Umam wa-al-Rusul wa al-Muluk by Ibn Jarir ath-Thabari, vol. 3, pages 398-400.
By Nurfitri Hadi (@ nfhadi07)
Article www.KisahMuslim.com

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slamic treatise is simple but the message is so strong

Akifah Baxter, a former Christian living in America. One day he walks to the bookstore. He is looking for a book that can guide him. Then he found a book about Islam, which then changed his entire spiritual outlook. Baxter is not an atheist. He believes in the existence of God, but he seeks the right path to reach that truth. He revolves around the search for truth that led him to embrace Islam.
I am always aware of the existence of God. I always felt that He was there. Sometimes the feeling is far away, and I often ignore it. But I can never deny this knowledge. Therefore, throughout my life, I am constantly searching for the truth about His plan.
I attended many studies in church. I listen, pray, discuss with people from all different religions. But there always seems to be something that I do not think is right. Confusing. Like there is something missing.
In the past, I often heard people say to me, "Yes, I believe in God, but I have no religion. And I think they're all wrong. "
This is what I really feel. However, I do not want to let this curiosity go then just accept a belief (religion) just like that. I know if God really exists, He will not leave us without direction, or even get lost. There must be a real step in finding the true religion. And I have to find it.
The various Christian churches where I concentrated on seeking the truth, because I was only in that neighborhood-indeed, there seems to be truth in some of their teachings. However, there are so many different views. So many contradictory teachings on basic things such as how to pray, pray to whom, who will be "saved" and who is not, and what one should do to "be saved". It seems so convoluted. I felt almost surrendered.
I have just visited a church that recognizes the existence of God and the purpose of human existence. But his teachings left a deeply stretched frustration. I'm really frustrated because what they teach is not a truth.
One day, I went to a bookstore. I browsed the genre of religious books. As I stood there, I sneaked my eyes on the composition of the book. I see most of them are Christian books. It suddenly crossed my mind whether this store had any books about Islam.
I realize there are hardly any books on Islam here. But when I picked up one of the Islamic books-just out of curiosity-turned out to get me excited about what I was reading. The first thing that fascinated me was the statement 'There is no true God except God,' He has no partners or allies, and all prayer and worship are directed only to Him alone. This statement seemed so simple, but the message was so strong that I immediately caught the message.
From there I began to read everything about Islam. Everything I read is really satisfying and I can understand (logically). It was as if all these pieces of the puzzle were answered perfectly, and the clear picture was so real.
I was so excited, my heart pounding every time, every time I read everything about Islam. Later, when I read the Qur'an, I felt like I really got a great blessing to be able to read this book. (After reading it) I am absolutely convinced that this book came directly from God through His Messenger ﷺ.
This is the truth. I feel like I've been a Muslim all along, I just do not realize it. Now I started my life as a Muslim. I felt the peace and security after knowing what I was learning was the ultimate truth that would bring me closer to God. May Allah guard and guide me.
First: There are some Muslims who are disappointed with the civilization of Muslims who are left behind than the western world. But, on the other hand they are also stuck in the backwardness. As westerners begin to believe that the universe is governing, and leaving the agnostic (admitting God but not religious), these disillusioned people are just beginning to believe what westerners are beginning to doubt. Proverbial when people have become repentant thugs, he just started want to be a thug. People are not comfortable with agnostic, he instead wants to be agnostic.
Second: Truth is something that is sought and cultivated. We see the reality of many versions of Islam, so do not remain silent in the confusion and disillusionment of why Muslims are different. But continue to review Islam to meet the essential Islamic teachings. Allah ﷻ said,
"And those who are earnest for (seeking) Our sake, We will indeed show them Our paths. And verily Allah is with those who do good. "(Surah Al-'Ankabuut | Verse: 69).
Third: Read the Qur'an and its translation. And it would be better if accompanied by tafseer or ask the knowledgeable person.
Fourth: Very unfortunate, some people who are born as Muslims do not even study their religion. He thought being a Muslim was just flowing. May (lawful) and not (haram) be determined by feelings and experiences. Not based on the study of Islam.
Translated from:
- http://www.arabnews.com/islam-perspective/news/900221
By Nurfitri Hadi (@ nfhadi07)
Article www.KisahMuslim.com

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Imam Muslim, Imam of Hadith

One of the famous clerics and priests among the Muslims is the Muslim Imam of the Makers of Muslim Sahih. Muslims read many of the hadiths that he narrated. Although not everyone wants to know more about the name they read. Here is a short biography of Imam Muslim, hopefully add our love to him.
Nasab and Birth
His name is Muslim bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim bin Ward bin Kusyadz al-Qusyairi an-Naisaburi. Qusyair is a known Arab tribe. While Naisabur is a famous city in the Khurasan region. This city is among the best cities in the region. A city famous for science and goodness.
The Muslim Imam was born in Naisabur in 206 H / 821 AD. Kun-yah is Abu al-Husayn. And laqob (calling) or dubbed al-Hafiz, al-Mujawwid, al-Hujjah, as-Sadiq.
Imam Muslim grew up in a house full of piety, piety, and science. His father, Hajjaj bin Muslim al-Qusyairi, was a man who loved science. The father diligently present in the assembly of the scholars. His father educated him with the spirit of piety and love of knowledge that he had it.
Imam Muslim rahimahullah began his study journey in the young age. Safar first he did when he was not more than 18 years. From that moment on, the young priest began to seriously study the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
Imam adz-Dzahabi said, "The first time he heard the study of sunnah (hadith) is when he stepped 18 years. He learned from Yahya bin Yahya at-Tamimi. "
Muslim Priestesses
The Muslim Imam has many teachers. The number reached 120 people. In Mecca, he studied Abdullah bin Maslamah al-Qa'nabi. He is the most senior teacher. He visited Kufa, Iraq, al-Haramain (Mecca and Medina), and Egypt to study the hadith.
Among his teachers were Yahya bin Yahya an-Naisaburi, Qutaibah ibn Said, Said bin Mansur, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ishaq ibn Rahuyah, Abu Khaitsamah Zuhair bin Harb, Abu Kuraib Muhammad ibn al-'Ala, Abu Musa Muhammad bin al- Mutsanna, Hunad bin as-Sirri, Muhammad ibn Yahya bin Abi Umar, Muhammad ibn Yahya adz-Dzuhali, al-Bukhari, Abdullah ad-Darimi, etc.
His students
A high position in scholarship makes students from all directions come to learn to the Imam Muslim. Among them are Ali bin al-Hasan bin Abi Isa al-Hilali, he is his senior disciple. Then Husein bin Muhammad al-Qabani, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn an-Nadhar ibn Salamah al-Jarudi, Ali ibn al-Husein ibn al-Juneid ar-Razi, Salih bin Muhammad Jazrah, Abu Isa at-Turmudzi, Ahmad ibn al-Mubarak al-Mustamli, Abdullah bin Yahya as-Sarkhasi al-Qadhi, Nasr ibn Ahmad ibn Nasr al-Hafizh, etc.
Imam Muslim Heritage
The Imam of the Muslims abandoned many papers, extensive knowledge, which was not worth wasting. Of his many works, some still exist today. Others have been lost. Among his papers are:
Ash-Shahih (Saheeh Muslim). This is his most famous work in the midst of the Muslims;
Su-alatihi Ahmad bin Hanbal,
Book of Amr ibn Shu'aib,
Al-Intifa 'bi Uhubi as-Siba',
Book of Masyayikh Malik,
Book of Masyayikh ats-Tsauri,
Book of masyayikh as-Su'bah,
Man Laysa Lahu Illa Rawin wa Ahadin,
Awlad ash-Shahabah,
Awham al-Muhadditsin,
Afrad asy-Syamiyyin.
Methodology of Muslim Imams In Hadith narrated
Imam Malik rahimahullah wrote the book of al-Muwaththa. A book that became the basis of the laws of as-Shahih al-muttafaq 'alaih. The book of hadith is compiled in chapters of fiqh. Imam Muslim re-examined the paths of different hadiths. Arrange the hadiths from several paths and from different narrations. Likewise, he composed the hadiths in different chapters according to the meaning they contain.
Then came Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari. His imam hadith scholars. He sorted the hadiths, and narrated them in his saheeh by grouping the path of transmission between the Hijaz, Iraqi and Sham peoples. Imam al-Bukhari chose the hadiths agreed upon by his sovereignty and abandoned the hadiths that his sâhah still disputed. He grouped the hadiths with their respective content.
After that Imam muslim bin al-Hajjaj al-Qurasyiri rahimahullah compose also the book of saheeh. He imitated the steps Imam al-Bukhari had made. That is just menukil hadith-hadith agreed to the sahihannya. In contrast to Imam al-Bukhari, the Imam eliminates a recurring history. Then collect his sanad streets in the same place. And group it with the fiqh chapter.
The Muslim Imam spent fifteen years composing his Shahih. Ahmad bin Salamah said, "I was with a Muslim when writing his Sahih. It's 15 years old. "He wrote in his country. This is explained by Ibn Hajar in the muqaddimah Fathul Bari. Ibn Hajar said, "Muslims write his book in his hometown. By presenting the essence of his book when most of his teachers are still alive. Muslims take great care of the hadith lafadz and examine its editor.
Praise the Scholars
Abu Quraish al-Hafiz says, "I heard Muhammad bin Bashar say, 'In this world, a truly skilled person in the field of hadith has four people: Abu Zur'ah in Ray City, Muslim in Naisabur, Abdullah ad-Darimi in Samarkand, and Muhammad bin Ismail (Imam al-Bukhari) in Bukhara. "
quoted from Abu Abdullah al-Hakim that Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab al-Farra said, "Muslim bin al-Hajjaj is the ulema of all circles. He is the most knowledgeable. "
al-Hafizh Abu Ali an-Naisaburi said, "Nothing under the heavens is a book of the more authentic hadith of the Muslim book."
Shiddiq bin Hasan al-Qanuji praised the Muslim Imam by saying, "al-Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Qusyairi al-Baghdadi is one of the priests and hafiz. One of his priests hadith scholars. Imam of Khurasan in the science of hadith after al-Bukhari. "
Ahmad bin Salamah says, "I see Abu Zur'ah and Abu Hatim favoring Muslims in ash-saheeh knowledge than the scholars of his day."
The age of the Muslim Imam is not long. Only 55 years old. He died and was buried in Naisabur in 261 AH / 875 AD, rahimahullah rahmatan wasi'atan. May Allah repay his merits to the Muslims with the best of reply.

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From Hindus To Become Professor of Hadith Islamic University of Madinah

The legendary work of Prof. Dhiyaurrahman Azmi in the field of hadith will include it on the same level as the classical scholars.
Today, we hear a lot of people's stories back to their nature, embracing Islam. We should be grateful. But there are only a few people who come from the darkness of their ancestral religion after receiving the light of Islam successfully bringing extraordinary influence and contribution to the advancement of Islamic knowledge. If we see the great inheritance left by converts like Muhammad Asad, Maryam Jamilah, Dr. Maurice Bucaille, Muhammad Pickthall, Michael Wolfe, and Pamela Taylor, their achievements are truly amazing. Today, there is an extraordinary figure who may surpass his predecessors. He is Prof. Muhammad Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi. He made a huge contribution in the study of the science of hadith. A memorable achievement and a part of the history of Islamic civilization.
Islam does not recognize social caste
Muhammad Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi was formerly called Banke Laal. Born in 1943 in a Hindu family in the village of Bilarya Ganj. A village located in Azamgarh District, India. When embracing Islam he was 18 years old. The concept of equality and justice that Islam offers has impressed him. According to him, it is a privilege and humanism that only exist in Islam. This reason also causes many people in the Indian subcontinent to embrace Islam. They want to get out of the caste barriers. And get the freedom to act in accordance with their ideals and wills.
In India there are several organizations that facilitate conversion. The organization's activities are known as Ghar Wapsi. An activity facilitated by Hindu Indian organizations to facilitate the conversion of a non-Hindu to a Hindu religion. In the Islamic community of India, no such activity is found. No donation or material aid is available to those who have just embraced Islam. On the bright side, someone who embraces Islam really welcomes God's command and is born of a sincere intention. If you want to be a Muslim, all you have to do is understand the essential message of Islam itself.
Shunned Family and Hijrah Experience Islam
After embracing Islam, both parents and close family boycotted Shaykh Muhammad Dhiyaurrahman Azmi. He also moved to Pakistan to explore religion. He studied religion in Madrasah in collaboration with Jamiah Islamiyah. Then continued his undergraduate studies at the Islamic University of Madinah (Jamiah Islamiyah Madinah), Saudi Arabia. In this place, he became the first graduate ever Hindu.
Not stopping only at the undergraduate level, Shaykh Dhiyaurrahman went on to study post graduate (S2) to King Abdul Aziz University in Mecca, later known as Ummul Qura University. His doctoral degree he got from al-Azhar University, Cairo.
His expertise in the field of hadith is something that audiences recognize. Islamic University of Madinah admits it by appointing him as a professor (professor) at the Faculty of Hadith campus. Even the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia itself gave him the citizenship of Saudi Arabia as a form of gratitude for the contribution he gave in the study of the science of hadith.
Shaykh Dhiyaurrahman does not limit his activities to academic pursuits alone. He also actively took part in the administrative field. Like joining the Muslim World League in Mecca. And also became the dean of the Faculty of Hadith Islamic University of Madinah to retire. After his retirement, he was appointed lecturer at the Nabawi Mosque by the Nabawi Mosque Affairs Department in 2013.
Contribution to Islamic Civilization
Many papers have been made by Professor Dhiyaurrahman Azmi. He wrote dozens of books on important topics in Islam. But the most remarkable is the monumental work of the hadith encyclopedia. He gave the title of his work with al-Jami 'al-Kamil fi al-Hadith ash-Shahih ash-Shamil. This special work is a collection of shahih hadiths scattered in various classic books.
The book of al-Jami 'al-Kamil fi al-Hadith ash-Shahih ash-Shamil consists of 20 volumes over a thick book. It contains about 16,000 Hadiths. Contains about various issues: aqidah, law, worship, biography of the Prophet, jurisprudence, Qur'anic commentary, and much more. People will remember Shaykh Prof. Muhammad Dhiyaurrahman Azmi and thank him for his effort in researching the hadith. Collect it so easy to learn and read the hadith lovers of the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. His efforts are a testament to how he imitated the efforts of Imam al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, at-Turmudzi, an-Nasai, and Imam Malik in researching and collecting hadith.
Another legendary work that is the seriousness of Prof. Azmi is the "Encyclopedia of the Qur'an Glorious" in Hindi. Muslims have ruled for about 800 years in India, unfortunately there are not many books available in their native language that explain the meaning of the Qur'an. Providing insight into the humanitarian values ​​of the Qur'an.
The unique encyclopedia written by prof. This Azmi, explores more than 600 topics. This book is the first book (pioneer) written about this theme in Hindi. In a very short time, this book has been printed eight times in India. Because of the good people's response to this book, the Urdu and Indian editions were soon printed. That said, this book is one of the best books in the study of the Koran. The discussion is sorted by alphabetical order. Inside is also loaded photos and maps of the famous places.
His research in education is also an interesting study. His Master Thesis titled Abu Hurairah fi Dhau-i Marwiyatihi: Dirasatun Muqaranatun fi Miati Haditsin min Marwiyatihi is a form of defense against the companions of the Prophet, Abu Hurairah radhiallahu 'anhu. He denies the allegations made by some who question the authenticity of the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah. While the dissertation is a study of the book of Aqdhiyatu Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
In his book From Ganga to Zamzam in Urdu, Prof. Azmi told her story of Islam and the many difficulties she had to face. Of course this book is also interesting to read. Then his special work on comparative studies of religion, Dirasat al-Judaism wa al-Masihiyah wa al-Adyan al-Hind also received high appreciation. This book is used as a reference of higher level learning materials at universities in Saudi Arabia. Currently, Prof. Azmi is involved in a comparative study project of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.
No one expected, a boy who was born in a Hindu family in the future became a teacher of hadith at the Islamic University of Madinah and a lecturer at Masjid Nabawi. Professor Azmi is a special person. His journey of life teaches us that life is like a spinning wheel. A person can be in the bottom lap face difficulty. Then at the top enjoy success. One must endeavor to complete the cycle of adversity which he faces until he succeeds in proving to the world-with God's permission-he is able to contribute to civilization.
Simplicity has an important role in character building. Because simplicity can hold a person to do what he should not do. Simplicity also becomes a shield that blocks the arrogant nature. Simplicity is the key to piety and good deeds. Simplicity, courtesy, and humility are so visible to her figure.
Prof. Azmi is a figure that makes us remember the truth of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
الناس معادن كمعادن الذهب والفضة الجاهلية خيارهم في الإسلام
"Humans are like precious minerals like gold and silver mines. The noble person of the time of ignorance, will be a noble person in Islam if he understands religion. Ruh is like a troop collected, he will unite if harmonious and will disagree if not harmonious ". (Muslim).

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Who Invented God? Here's Answers. Zakir Naik

THE NAME of Tiodor Sianturi. He is a student at a college in Bandung. His curiosity makes him present in the event Safari Da'wah Zakir Naik in the Hall Gymnasium UPI Bandung, Sunday (2/4/2017).
When the question session was opened this non-Muslim girl became one of the questioners among the non-Muslims present at the time.
"You said father. God is not born and gave birth. So who created Allah? "Asked the girl who is familiarly called this Tio to Zakir Naik.
Dr. Zakir Naik answered the girl's question by giving the analogy a question.
"I will give you a question to understand this concept. I have a friend named Tom, Tom has a brother named Jhon. Jhon gave birth to a child. What's the sex of the child? "
Hearing the question, Tio got confused. He does not know the answer. But when asked to guess, he said his daughter was a girl.
"Why not a man," Zakir Naik asked.
"Because in my mind a woman," he said.
Zakir Naik then repeated his question. He conveyed carefully that Tio could understand the meaning of his question.
"Then what is the answer, male or female?" Zakir asked Naik to Tio.
"I can not answer," he said.
"Why?" Zakir Naik said
"Because men do not give birth," Tio said.
"That's right," exclaimed the Muslim Scholar.
Zakir Naik explains, a man can not bear a child. When there is a question of what gender is born by Jhon, then the statement is illogical.
"It's the same with your question. God does not give birth and is born. So the question of who created God becomes illogical, "replied Dr. Zakir Naik.
So, said Dr. Zakir, by definition Allah is not created, when someone created Allah, then that created is not God.
"Okay, I really understand your explanation," said Tio accompanied by lecture participants.

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